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Two options are available for registration:

  • Via the German university federation DFN-AAI (Authentifikations- und Autorisierungs-Infrastruktur des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes). After the download select “Log in via DFN-AAI” in the login screen and choose your institution. Identify with your normal login. Prerequisite is the participation of your university in DFN-AAI.
  • If your university does not participate in DFN-AAI, please apply for a DARIAH account through the registration service. Your credentials will be sent to you by e-mail within 1–2 working days. In order to guarantee the authenticity and scholarly interest of users, requests are manually checked. Please use an institutional email adress to register.

Having received your login data by e-mail, you can download the software and login via the startup screen. In case of questions or problems with the account, please contact the DARIAH Helpdesk via e-mail at

Using the TextGridLab software and archiving data in the TextGrid Repository are generally free of charge.

For further information, please see our Terms of use.

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